BMW 7_aya the E38 series from 1994 to 2002
1. Introduction
2. Governing bodies and methods of operation
3. Settings and routine maintenance of the car
4. Engine
4.1. General information and preparatory operations
4.2. Check of compression pressure
4.3. Check of the engine by means of the vacuum gage
4.4. Petrol M60/1 and M60/2 engines
4.5. M62 engine
4.6. Diesel M57 engine
4.7. Diesel M67 engine
5. Cooling systems of the engine, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
6. A power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
7. Systems of electric equipment of the engine
8. Manual box of gear shifting and coupling
9. Automatic transmission
10. Cardan and power shafts, reducer, differential and stupichny assemblies
11. Brake system
12. Suspension bracket and steering
13. Body
14. Onboard electric equipment
15. Schemes of electric equipment

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4. Engine


General information and specifications

Operating procedure of cylinders

see Specifications to the Head Sistemy of electric equipment of the engine

M51 engine

Type Diesel, 6-cylinder, line, OHC
Code designation of the engine 25 6T 1
Trade designation of model, year of release 725 tds, from 1996 to 2002
Diameter of the cylinder//piston stroke, mm 80/82.8
Volume of cylinders, cm3 2499
Extent of compression 22:1
Power, кВт@об / mines 105@4600
Turns of H/H, rpm ± 50
  • Without additional consumers
  • With the included transfer and To/in
Maximum frequency of rotation of a bent shaft, rpm 5250 ± 50
Maximum torque, Nm@ob / mines 280@2200
Value of a compression, atm. more than 20

M52 B 20, M52TU B 20 engines

Type Petrol, 6-cylinder, line
Diameter of the cylinder//piston stroke, mm 80/66
Volume of cylinders, cm3 1991
Extent of compression 11:01
Power, кВт@об / mines 110@5900 (240@5000) *
Maximum frequency of rotation of a bent shaft, rpm 6500
Maximum torque, Nm@ob / mines 190@200 (for M52 B20)
Value of a compression, atm. 10 ÷ 11

* For the M52TU B 20 engine

M52 B 25, M52TU B 25 engines

Type Petrol, 6-cylinder, line
Diameter of the cylinder//piston stroke, mm 84/75
Volume of cylinders, cm3 2494
Extent of compression 10.5:1
Power, кВт@об / mines 125@5500 *
Maximum frequency of rotation of a bent shaft, rpm 6500
Maximum torque, Nm@ob / mines 245@3950 *
Value of a compression, atm. 10 ÷ 11

* Data only for the M52 B 25 engine

M52 B 28, M52TU B 28 engines

Type Petrol, 6-cylinder, line, DOHC
Code designation of the engine 28 6S 1
Trade designation of model, year of release 728i (728iL), from 1994 to 2001
Diameter of the cylinder//piston stroke, mm 84/84
Volume of cylinders, cm3 2793
Extent of compression 10.2:1
Power, кВт@об / mines 142@5300 *
Turns of H/H, rpm ± 50
  • Without additional consumers
  • With included To/in
  • With the included transfer and To/in
Maximum frequency of rotation of a bent shaft, rpm 6500 ± 50
Maximum torque, Nm@ob / mines 280@3950
Value of a compression, atm. 10 ÷ 11

* Data only for the M52 B 28 engine

M57 engine (D 30)

Type Diesel, 6-cylinder, line, DOHC, with the fuel distributive highway (Common Rail)
Trade designation of model, year of release 730d, from 1998 to 2001
Diameter of the cylinder//piston stroke, mm 84/88
Volume of cylinders, cm3 2926
Extent of compression 18:01
Power, кВт@об / mines 135@4000
H/H turns (under any conditions), rpm 750 ± 50
Maximum frequency of rotation of a bent shaft, rpm
  • At the motionless car
4600 ± 100
  • During the movement
4800 ± 100
Maximum torque, Nm@ob / mines 410@2000 ÷ 3000

M60/1 engines (B 30) and M60/2 (B 40)

Type Petrol, V-shaped, 8-cylinder, DOHC
Code designation of the engine 30 8 S1 *, 40 8 S1 **
Trade designation of model, year of release
  • M60/1
730i (730iL), from 1994 to 1996
  • M60/2
740i (730iL), from 1994 to 1996
Corner between blocks of cylinders, a hail. 90
Diameter of the cylinder//piston stroke, mm
  • M60/1
  • M60/2
Volume of cylinders, cm3
  • M60/1
  • M60/2
Extent of compression
  • M60/1
  • M60/2
Power, kW @ rpm 125@5500 *
Turns of H/H, rpm
  • Without additional consumers
600 ± 50
  • With included To/in
750 ± 50
  • With included To/in and transfer
750 ± 50
Maximum frequency of rotation of a bent shaft, rpm 6500 ± 50
Value of a compression, atm. 12 ÷ 14

* Data for the M60/1 engine

** Data for the M60/2 engine

M62 engines (B 35, B 44)

Type Petrol, V-shaped, 8-cylinder, DOHC
Code designation (B 35, B 44) 35 8 S1//44 8 S1
Trade designation of model, year of release
  • M62 B 35
735i, since 1996
  • M62 B 44
740i, since 1996
Diameter of the cylinder//piston stroke, mm
  • M62 B 35
  • M62 B 44
Volume of cylinders (B 35//B 44), cm3 3498/4398
Extent of compression 10: 1
Turns of H/H, rpm
  • Without additional consumers
580 ± 50
  • With included To/in
700 ± 50
  • With included To/in and transfer
700 ± 50
Maximum frequency of rotation of a bent shaft (B 35//B 44), rpm 6200/6100 (((± 50)
Value of a compression, atm. 12 ÷ 14

M67 engine

Type Diesel, V-shaped, 8-cylinder, DOHC, with the fuel distributive highway (Common Rail)
Trade designation of model, year of release 740d (740dL), since 1999
Diameter of the cylinder//piston stroke, mm 84/88
Volume of cylinders, cm3 3901
Extent of compression 18:1
Power, кВт@об / mines 180@4000
H/H turns (with included To/in and (or) transfer), rpm 750 ± 50
Maximum frequency of rotation of a bent shaft, rpm
  • At the motionless car
4600 ± 100
  • During the movement
4800 ± 100
Maximum torque, Nm@ob / mines 560@1750 ÷ 2500

M73 engine (B 54)

Type Petrol, V-shaped, 12-cylinder, OHC
Code designation of the engine 56 12 1
Trade designation of model, year of release 750i (750iL), since 1994
Corner between blocks of cylinders, a hail. 60
Diameter of the cylinder//piston stroke, mm 85/79
Volume of cylinders, cm3 5379
Extent of compression 10.0:1
Power, кВт@об / mines 240@5000
Turns of H/H, rpm
  • Without additional consumers
600 ± 50
  • With included To/in
700 ± 50
Maximum frequency of rotation of a bent shaft, rpm 6000 ± 50
Maximum torque, Nm@ob / mines 490@3900
Value of a compression, atm. 10 ÷ 12

Block of cylinders

The most admissible gap at wear of details between the piston and the cylinder, mm

M51, M57 (D25), M52 engines 0.015
M60/1, M60/2, M62, M73 engines 0.010

M51 (DTS), M57 (D25) engines

Diameter of the cylinder, mm
New//admissible wear 80.000+0.018/80.000+0.040
Intermediate size (new//admissible wear) 80.080+0.018/80.080+0.040
1st repair size (new//admissible wear) 80.250+0.018/80.250+0.040
Ovality and conicity of the cylinder (new//admissible wear), mm 0.01/0.04
M52 B 20, M52 B 25 engines
Diameter of the cylinder (B 20//B 25)1), mm 80.000+0.010/84.000+0.010
Admissible ovality//conicity tsilindra1), mm 0.005/0.010

1) New or processed

M52 B 28 engine

Diameter tsilindra1), mm  
  • Standard
  • 1st repair size
  • The 2nd repair size (only for pig-iron blocks)
Admissible ovality//conicity tsilindra1), mm 0.005/0.010

1) New or processed

M52TU B 20, B 25, B 28 engines

Diameter of the cylinder (B 20//B 25 and B 28) 1), mm
  • Standard
  • The 1st repair size (only for the aluminum block with pig-iron sleeves)
Admissible ovality//conicity tsilindra1), mm 0.005/0.010

1) New or processed

M57 engines (D 30), M67

Diameter of the cylinder, mm
  • New//admissible wear
  • Intermediate size (new//admissible wear)
  • 1st repair size (new//admissible wear)
Ovality and conicity of the cylinder (new//admissible wear), mm 0.01/0.04

M60/1 engines (B 30), M60/2 (B 40)

Diameter of the new cylinder, mm
  • M60/1
  • M60/2
Admissible ovality of the new cylinder, mm 0.007

M62 engines (B 35, B 44, B 46)

Diameter of the new cylinder, mm
  • B 35
  • B 44
  • B 93
Admissible ovality of the new cylinder, mm 0.007
M73 engine (B 54)
Diameter tsilindra1), mm
  • Class 0, A//B size
  • Class 00, A//B size
  • Class 1, A//B size
  • Class 2, A//B size
Admissible ovality and conicity tsilindra1), mm 0.01

1) New or processed

Head of the block of cylinders

The directing plugs of valves as spare parts are not delivered. On M51, M57 and M67 engines processing of a head of cylinders is not admissible.

On M57 and M67 engines grinding in of saddles of valves is not admissible.

Oil gap of the valve in the directing plug, mm

Nominal internal diameter of the installed valve plug., mm

M51, M52, M52TU, M60/1, M60/2, M62 engines (admission of H7)

  • Nominal
  • Class 1//2

M57, M67 engines

6 +0.015/+0.03

M73 engine (admission of H7)

  • Nominal
  • Class 1//2
Width of the persistent bearing of the camshaft, mm
  • M51 engine
  • M52 and M52TU engines
20, admission of d8
  • M57 and M67 engines
Width of a guide of the bearing of the camshaft, mm
  • M60/1, M60/2 engines
  • M62 engine
  • M73 engine
Nominal height of a head of cylinders (except M51, M57 and M67 engines), mm 140
The admission on processing of a head of cylinders, mm
  • M52, M52TU, M60/1, M60/2, M62 engines
  • M73 engine
Diameter of bearings of the camshaft of M57, M67 engines, mm 23, admission of the G7
Valve saddle corners (working//external//internal), hail.
  • M51 engine
Width of a working facet of a saddle of the valve (inlet//final), mm
  • M51 engine
2.00 ± 0.25//2.75 ± 0.15
  • M52, M52TU engines
1.65 ± 0.25//1.65 ± 0.25
  • M57 engines
1.45 ± 0.25//1.45 ± 0.25
  • M60/1, M60/2, M62 engines (B 35, B 44)
1.25 ± 0.25//1.65 ± 0.35
  • M62 engine (B 46)
0.95 ± 0.30//1.50 ± 0.35
  • M67 engine
1.20 ± 0.25//1.43 ± 0.25
  • M73 engine
1.65 ± 0.25//2.00 ± 0.25
External diameter of a saddle of the valve (inlet//final), mm
  • M51 engine
  • M52 B 20 engine
  • M52 B 25 and B 28 engines
  • M52TU B 20 engine
  • M52TU B 25 and B 28 engines
  • M60/1, M62 engines (B 35)
  • M60/2, M62 engines (B 44, B 46)
  • M73 engine

Bent shaft and flywheel

Nominal diameter of radical necks (yellow//green//white), mm

  • M51, M52, M52TU engines
59.987 ± 3//59.980 ± 3//59.973 ± 2
  • M57 engine
59.980 ± 3//59.973 ± 3//59.966 ± 2
  • M60/1, M60/2, M62, M67, M73 engines
  • M73 engine
Diameter of radical necks (class 1//2//3), mm see nominal diameter there are-0.25//-0.50//-0.75 mm
Radial gap of bearings of a bent shaft, mm
  • M51, M52, M52TU engines
0.020 ÷ 0.058
  • M57 engine
0.019 ÷ 0.052
  • M60/1, M60/2, M62 engines
0.020 ÷ 0.050
  • M67 engine
0.028 ÷ 0.056
M73 engine 0.026 ÷ 0.052
Axial gap of a bent shaft, mm
  • M51, M52, M52TU engines
0.080 ÷ 0.163
  • M57 engine
0.080 ÷ 0.234
  • M60/1, M60/2, M62, M67, M73 engines
0.085 ÷ 0.257
Sizes of necks of the persistent bearing of a bent shaft, mm (admission of F8)

M51, M52, M52TU, M57 engines

  • Nominal
  • Class 1//2

M60/1, M60/2, M62, M67 engines

  • Nominal
  • Class 1//2//3

M73 engine

  • Nominal
  • Class 1//2//3
Marking of conrod bearings of a bent shaft, mm

M51, M52, M52TU, M57, M73 engines

  • Nominal
- 0.009
- 0.025

  • Class 1//2
- 0.009
// 44.50 - 0.009
- 0.025
- 0.025

M60/1, M60/2, M62 engines

  • Nominal
- 0.009
- 0.025
  • Class 1//2//3
- 0.009
// 47.50 - 0.009 // 47.25 +0.016
- 0.025
- 0.025 +0

M67 engines (nominal)

Radial gap between inserts and a neck of a bent shaft, mm
  • M51, M52, M52TU, M57, M67 engines
0.020 ÷ 0.055
  • M60/1, M60/2, M62 engines
0.016 ÷ 0.055
  • M73 engines
0.016 ÷ 0.058
Admissible radial beating on average necks of radical bearings (the shaft leans on external necks of radical bearings), mm
  • M51, M57, M60/1, M60/2, M62, M67, M73 engines
  • M52, M52TU engines
The maximum admissible beating on the outer diameter of a flywheel, mm
  • M51 engine
  • M52, M52TU engines
  • M57 engine
  • M67 engine
The most admissible radial//axial beating of a damper of tortional fluctuations, mm
  • M52, M52TU engines
  • M61/1, M61/2, M62, M73 engines


Diameter of the lower one-piece head of a rod (without bearing), mm

  • M51, M52, M52TU, M57, M67 engines
48.000 ÷ 48.016
  • M67 engine
  • M60/1, M60/2, M62 engines
52.000 ÷ 52.013
Opening in a rod for the plug of a head of a rod, mm
  • M51 engine
- 0.005
  • M57, M67 engines
- 0.005
Internal diameter of the plug of the lower head of a rod, mm
  • M51 engine
  • M52, M52TU, M60/1, M60/2 engines
  • M57, M67 engines
  • M60/1, M60/2, M62 engines
  • M67 engine
Admissible difference in the weight of rods (without inserts of bearings),
  • M51, M52, M52TU, M57, M67, M73 engines
± 4
  • M60/1, M60/2, M62 engines
± 3
Distance between centers heads of a rod, mm
  • M57 engines (D 25//D 30)
  • M67 engine

Pistons with rings and piston fingers

Replacement of the piston and finger is allowed only together.

Point of measurement of "A" (situation), mm

  • M57, M67 engines
  • M51 engine
  • M52 engines (B 20//B 25//B 28)
  • M52TU engines (B 20//B 25, B 28)
  • M60/1, M60/2, M73 engines
  • M62 engines (B 35//B 44//46)
Diameter of the piston (in a point of measurement "And"), mm


  • M57 D30 engine
83.950 ± 0.009
  • M67 engine
83.955 ± 0.009
  • M51 engine
79.960 ± 0.009
  • M52 and M52TU engines (B 20//B 25, B 28)
  • M60/1, M62 B 35 engines
83.976 ÷ 83.994
  • M60/2 engine
88.976 ÷ 88.994
  • M62 B 44 engine
91.976 ÷ 91.994
  • M62 B 46 engine
92.980 ÷ 92.000


  • M57 D30, M67 engines
84.030 ± 0.009
  • M51 engine
80.040 ± 0.009

1st repair size

  • M57 D30, M67 engines
84.200 ± 0.009
  • M51 engine
80.210 ± 0.009
  • M52 B 28 engine
  • M52TU engines (B 20//B 25)

2nd repair size

  • The M52 B 28 engine with the pig-iron block of cylinders
M73 engine
  • Class 0, A//B size
  • Class 00, A//B size
  • Class 1, A//B size
  • Class 2, A//B size
Gap between the piston and boring in the block of cylinders, mm
  • M57 D30 engine
0.041 ÷ 0.077
  • M67 engine
0.036 ÷ 0.059
  • M51 engine
0.031 ± 0.063
  • M52, M52TU engines
0.01 ÷ 0.04
  • M60/1, M60/2, M62 engines (B 35, B 44)
0.006 ÷ 0.038
  • M62 B 46 engine
0.006 ÷ 0.034
  • M73 engine
Gap in the lock of piston rings (top//average//lower), mm
  • M51 engine
0.2 ÷ 0.4
  • M52 B 20, M52TU B 20 engines
0.1 ÷ 0.3/0.2 ÷ 0.4/////0.2 ÷ 0.4
  • M52 and M52TU engines (B 25, B 28), M62 B 46
0.1 ÷ 0.3/0.2 ÷ 0.4/////0.25 ÷ 0.50
  • M57 D 30, M 67 engines
0.20 ÷ 0.35/0.30 ÷ 0.45/////0.2 ÷ 0.4
  • M60/1, M60/2 engines
0.1 ÷ 0.3/0.2 ÷ 0.4/////0.4 ÷ 1.4
  • M62 engines (B 35, B 44)
0.1 ÷ 0.3/0.2 ÷ 0.4/////0.2 ÷ 0.9
  • M73 engine
0.15 ÷ 0.35/0.2 ÷ 0.4/////0.4 ÷ 1.4
Side play of landing of piston rings (top//average//lower), mm
  • M51 engine
measurement is not required//0.040 ÷ 0.072//0.030 ÷ 0.065
  • M57 D 30, M67 engine
measurement is not required//0.05 ÷ 0.09//0.03 ÷ 0.07
  • M52 B 20, M52TU B 20 engines
0.020 ÷ 0.055
  • M52 and M52TU engines (B 25, B 28)
0.02 ÷ 0.06/0.030 ÷ 0.065/////0.02 ÷ 0.06
  • M60/1, M62 B 35, M73 engines
0.020 ÷ 0.055 / 0.020 ÷ 0.055/////measurement is not required
  • M60/2 engine
0.030 ÷ 0.065/0.060 ÷ 0.065/measurement is not required
  • M62 B 44 engine
0.02 ÷ 0.06/0.02 ÷ 0.06/////measurement is not required
  • M62 B 46 engine
0.02 ÷ 0.07/0.02 ÷ 0.06/////0.02 ÷ 0.06

Camshaft and valves

Width of the persistent bearing (inlet//final shaft), mm

  • M51, M73 engines
  • M52, M52TU engines
20, admission of H8//H9
  • M57 engine
  • M60/1, M60/2 engines
  • M62 engines
  • M67 engine
Camshaft side play (radial//axial), mm
  • M51, M73 engine
0.040 ÷ 0.081/0.15 ÷ 0.33
  • M52, M52TU engines
0.020 ÷ 0.054/0.15 ÷ 0.33
  • M57, M67 engine
0.047 ÷ 0.088/0.15 ÷ 0.33
  • M60/1, M60/2 engines
0.040 ÷ 0.074/0.10 ÷ 0.28
  • M62 engines
0.040 ÷ 0.074/0.20 ÷ 0.36
Nominal diameter of a plate of the valve (inlet//final), mm
  • M51 engine
  • M52 and M52TU engines (B 20)
  • M52 and M52TU engines (B 25, B 28)
  • M57, M67 engines
  • M60/1, M62 B 35 engines
  • M60/2, M62 engines (B 44, B 46)
  • M73 engine
42 / 36
Repair sizes of a plate of the valve (R1//R2), mm 0.2/0.4
Diameter of a core of the valve (inlet//final), mm

M51 engine

  • Nominal
  • Repair R1 size
  • Repair R2 size
M52, M52TU, M60/1, M60/2, M62 engines
  • Nominal
6.0 - 0.025 // 6.0 - 0.040
- 0.040 - 0.055
  • Repair R1 size
6.1 - 0.025 // 6.1 - 0.040
- 0.040 - 0.055
  • Repair R2 size
6.2 - 0.025 // 6.2 - 0.040
- 0.040 - 0.055
M57, M67 engines 5.970.01
M73 engine
  • Nominal
7.0 - 0.025 // 7.0 - 0.040
- 0.040 - 0.055
  • Repair R1 size
7.1 - 0.025 // 7.1 - 0.040
- 0.040 - 0.055
  • Repair R2 size
7.2 - 0.025 // 7.2 - 0.040
- 0.040 - 0.055

Lubrication system

Pressure of motive oil on turns of H/H, atm, not less

Adjustable pressure in the lubrication system, atm
  • M51 engine
  • M52, M52TU engines
  • M57, M67 engines
  • M60/1, M60/2, M62 engines
  • M73 engine
4.3 ± 0.2
Pressure of motive oil at inclusion To/L the low pressure of oil, atm. 0.2 ÷ 0.5

Efforts of tightening of threaded connections, Nanometer

Bolts of fastening of a cover of a head of cylinders (M6//M7 carving)

Distributor case fixture to a head of cylinders (M6//M7 carving) 15/20
Carving stopper of the lubricant channel of a head of cylinders (M57 engine) 20
Traffic jams in a head of cylinders for pumping of the cooling system (M67 engine) 2
Bolts of fastening of a head of cylinders of the M51 engine
  • 1st stage
  • 2nd stage
To give half way
  • 3rd stage
  • 4th stage
To hold on the 90th hail on a corner
  • 5th stage
To hold on the 90th hail on a corner
  • 6th stage
To warm up the engine within 25 min. and to hold on the 90th hail on a corner
Bolts of fastening of a head of cylinders of the M52 engine with pig-iron//the aluminum block of cylinders
  • 1st stage
  • 2nd stage
To hold on the 90th hail on a corner
  • 3rd stage
To hold on the 90th hail on a corner
Bolts of fastening of a head of cylinders of the M73//M60 and M62 engine 30 then to hold on on a corner 60 °//80 ° twice
Bolt of fastening of an asterisk to a camshaft flange
  • M60 and M62 engines
  • M52 and M52TU engines
5, then 20
  • Other engines with M6//M7 bolt
Bolt * fastenings of an asterisk to the camshaft
  • M51 and M57 engines
20+35 °
  • M67 engine
20+90 °
Camshaft bearing cover fixture (M6//M7//M8 carving) 10/14///20
Fixture of a shlitsevy shaft to the camshaft of inlet valves (M52 engine) 40 + 60 °
Nuts of fastening of a turbocompressor to the final pipeline
  • Diesel models
Hollow bolt of the line of a supply of oil to a turbocompressor and the block (head) of cylinders 25
Collars of fastening of hoses of a turbo-supercharging (M57, M67 engines) 6
Stopper of a masloslivny opening of motive oil (M12//M18//M22 carving) 25/35///60
Bolts of fastening of the top section of the pallet of a case of the engine to the block of cylinders
  • Bolts of M6 8.8 mm
  • Bolts of M6 10.9 mm
  • Bolts of M8 8.8 mm
Bolts of fastening of the pallet of a case to the top section of the pallet of a case
  • Bolts of M6 8.8 mm
  • Bolts * M6 10.9 mm
  • Bolts of M8 8.8 mm
Hollow bolt of fastening of the channel of removal of oil to an oil filter and the top section of the pallet of a case (M60, M62, M73 engines) 30
Hollow bolt of fastening of an oil pipeline for lubricant of beds of bearings and cams of a cam-shaft 10
Bolt of fastening of an oil pipeline of lubricant of cams of a cam-shaft to a head of the block of cylinders
  • Hollow bolt (M8)
  • Bolt (M5)
Hollow bolt of fastening of the channel of removal of oil from an oil separator of system of ventilation of a case to the top part of an oil case (M62 engine) 25
Bolts (M6//M7//M8//M10) of fastening of covers of a chain of GRM 10/15///22/47
The cap-type nut of a natyazhitel of a chain of GRM 40
Fixture of the cylinder of a plunger of a natyazhitel of a chain of GRM
  • M67 engine
  • M52 engine
  • Other engines
Bolts of fastening of a guide and tension chain of GRM (M57//M67 engine) of levels 20/26
Bolts of fastening of a flywheel
  • Models with RKPP and the M60, M62 engine
  • Models with RKPP and the M73 engine
  • Models with AT
Bolts of fastening of a damper of tortional fluctuations 22
Nut * fastenings of a pulley of a driving belt to a bent shaft 190
Bolts * fastenings of a nave of a damper of tortional fluctuations to a bent shaft

M52 engines


M51, M60, M62 engines

  • 1st stage
  • 2nd stage
to hold on on a corner 60 °
  • 3rd stage
to hold on on a corner 60 °
  • 4th stage
to hold on on a corner 30 °

M73 engine

100 then to hold on on a corner 60 ° twice

M57, M67 engines

40 then to hold on on a corner 60 ° twice
Bolts of fastening of the oil pump 23
Bolts of fastening of a cover of the oil pump 10
Nut of fastening of an asterisk of the oil pump (M6//M10 carving) 10/35
Fixture of an inlet collector to a head of the block of cylinders (a carving of M6//M7//M8) 10 / 15///22
Fixture of a sound-absorbing casing to an arm (M60, M62 engines) 8
Nuts * fastenings of a final collector
  • M6 fixture
  • M7 fixture (M50 and M52 engines)
  • M7 fixture (engines except M50 and M52)
  • M8 fixture (M51 and M57 engines)
  • M8 fixture (engines except M51 and M57)

* Use new fixture

"previous page
3.23. Check of thickness of the conducted clutch plate
following page"
4.1. General information and preparatory operations