BMW 7_aya the E38 series from 1994 to 2002
1. Introduction
2. Governing bodies and methods of operation
3. Settings and routine maintenance of the car
4. Engine
5. Cooling systems of the engine, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
6. A power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
7. Systems of electric equipment of the engine
8. Manual box of gear shifting and coupling
9. Automatic transmission
10. Cardan and power shafts, reducer, differential and stupichny assemblies
11. Brake system
12. Suspension bracket and steering
12.1. General information, recommendations and security measures
12.2. Forward suspension bracket
12.3. Back suspension bracket
12.4. EDC system
12.5. Steering
13. Body
14. Onboard electric equipment
15. Schemes of electric equipment


12.1. General information, recommendations and security measures

Forward suspension bracket

The independent suspension bracket of forward wheels on double levers, aluminum, has the beam connected with a body through rubber support. The forward beam via cross levers and drafts is connected with rotary fists. The depreciation racks connected by bolts with a body and rotary levers consist of a screw spring and the gas-filled shock-absorber. The stabilizer of cross stability counteracts a body inclination on turns and promotes the best contact of forward wheels with the road.

Back suspension bracket

Details of a back suspension bracket

1 — the Shaking lever
2 — the Beam
3 — the Forward hinge of fastening of a reducer
4 — Back hinges of fastening of a reducer

5 — the Cross lever
6 — the beam Hinge
7 — the Extension
8 — the Integrated lever

The back suspension bracket represents a multilever design with a stretcher and double elastic fastening of the main transfer. Wheels go four cross levers, is elastic connected with a stretcher. A stretcher it is also elastic it is connected with a body. Besides, levers and driving wheels are geometrically located in such a way that they together with rubber-metal support create effect of joint management of back wheels and provide precisely calculated fine tuning of an angle of rotation of back wheels. It gives a prize in traffic safety in any situations.

The system of electronic control by rigidity of shock-absorbers (EDC) delivered as an additional complete set practically without delay adapts rigidity of shock-absorbers to the changing road conditions. All changes of speed, vertical acceleration of a body, pressure of braking, loading of the car, an angle of rotation of a steering wheel and position of the accelerator pedal are constantly controlled by the corresponding sensors. On the basis of the obtained data the electronic block develops signals for control of shock-absorbers, regulating their rigidity by means of Ý/m valves.

As forward and back suspension brackets are made completely of aluminum, it is necessary to observe the following:

  • Do not allow contact of a suspension bracket with electrolyte of the rechargeable battery;
  • Apply to cleaning of a suspension bracket only a brush from corrosion-proof became (not from steel or brass);
  • When grinding, cutting and welding close suspension bracket elements from hit of sparks;
  • Do not subject suspension bracket elements to influence of temperatures above 80 °C. Influence of temperature of the painting camera is admissible.

Details of the steering drive

1 — the Pendular lever
2 — the Plug

3 — the Bipod
4 — Average draft
5 — the Right and left side drafts

Details and GUR lines

1 — the Pump GUR
2 — a GUR liquid Radiator

3 — the Steering mechanism
4 — the GUR liquid Tank
D — Sealing rings

Steering consists of a steering wheel, a steering shaft, the steering " mechanism the screw – a ball nut" and the steering drive. The steering wheel with the built-in forward safety cushion of the driver fastens on a shaft which transfers the operating movements to the steering mechanism. The power steering (GUR) is used to simplification of driving. GUR consists of the pump, the tank, hydraulic lines and a radiator of working liquid. The pump GUR is given through a multiridge belt, soaks up GUR liquid from the tank and gives it under pressure to the steering mechanism where the adjusting element of the hydraulic booster settles down. The principle of work of GUR is considered in the Section Steering.

When performing repair or service of components of a suspension bracket and steering often there are problems with an otvorachivaniye of the "stuck" bolts and nuts. Fixture elements located under the car bottom constantly are exposed to external influences and over time are exposed to corrosion and partially collapse. Use of brute force at an otpuskaniye of such "stuck" fixture is accompanied by risk of its damage. For a start moisten the element which is not giving in to an otvorachivaniye with a small amount of the special getting liquid, having allowed it it is good to impregnate a rust layer. Remove with a wire brush external deposits from available sites of carving surfaces. Sometimes the sharp blow by the hammer on a nut through a drift helps to destroy the rust filling gaps between rounds of a carving joint, - try not to allow damages of a carving as a result of a drift soskakivaniye. Use at an otdavaniye of the "stuck" fixture of a long neck allows to increase considerably the enclosed torque, however it is necessary to remember that use of extenders complete with drives of ratchet type is accompanied by risk of failure of the returnable mechanism, and also by a possibility of getting injured. Fixture damaged in the course of an otpuskaniye is subject to replacement without fail.

As the majority of the procedures described in the present Chapter is made on the car lifted above the ground, it is necessary to take care beforehand of options of its reliable fixing in the lifted situation, – prepare strong props. For a poddomkrachivaniye of the car use hydraulic jacks of podkatny type, – you remember that the onboard jack which is included in a basic equipment is intended only for a temporary poddomkrachivaniye of the car when replacing of the failed wheel. The hydraulic jack can be used also for posting of some components of a suspension bracket at implementation of this or that procedure.

Work under the car withheld in the lifted situation only by means of jacks is not allowed!

Carrying out welding and rikhtovka of the bearing suspension bracket elements, and also elements of steering is not allowed. Самоконтрящиеся nuts and fixture damaged by corrosion in the course of repair should be replaced.

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12. Suspension bracket and steering
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12.2. Forward suspension bracket