2.1.7. Anticreeping systemThe regular anticreeping system (at the corresponding complete set) includes an immobilizator of the engine and the anticreeping alarm system working at:
- Opening of one of side doors, cowl or cover of the luggage compartment;
- Any movement in salon;
- Car list (for example, in attempt to remove a wheel);
- Interruption of onboard food.
At operation of the alarm system a sound signal (approximately for 30 seconds), and also indexes of turns and driving beam join in the faltering mode (approximately for 5 minutes). Activation of anticreeping system happens at activation of the uniform lock (see the Section Access, protection).
Confirmation to successful statement on protection once joins indexes of turns and
a sound signal. The indicator of anticreeping system begins to blink. |
Turning on of the motion sensor happens in salon in 30 seconds after activation of anticreeping system.
The procedure of shutdown of sensors of a list and the movement in salon from the DU panel is described in the Section Access, protection. The procedure of opening of a cover of the luggage compartment without removal of the car from protection is described in the Section of the Door and a trunk lid. |
The alarm system is switched-off when unlocking locks from the DU panel. After removal from protection the indicator of anticreeping system stops blinking. If the indicator of anticreeping system blinks in attempt of its activation, one of doors, a cowl or a cover of the luggage compartment is not closed. If the indicator blinks within 10 seconds after removal of the car from protection, it indicates the non-authorized access fact in the car. If it is not possible to remove the car from protection of primas of the help of the DU panel, unlock the driver's door (at the same time the alarm system turns on) and turn a key in the ignition lock in situation "1". At the same time other doors open, and the car is removed from protection. Immobilizator of the engine reads out a code of the chip which is built in a head of the key inserted into the lock of ignition and compares this code to the internal code. At discrepancy of codes the engine will not manage to be started.
If it is not possible to start the reason for that the engine the main key, influence of other keys with the chip of an immobilizator or the other devices located on one sheaf with the ignition key can be – try to use a key separately.