8.2.1. General information
General information
Coupling is intended for a rupture of power communication between the engine and RKPP when switching transfer and, thanks to frictional communication, provides smooth torque transmission on a running gear at a start of motion. Coupling consists of a korozina with a press disk and the conducted disk, and also the hydraulic drive with the main and executive cylinders.
Coupling components
The coupling basket bolts fastens to the flywheel connected with a bent shaft of the engine. Between a press disk and a flywheel there is a conducted disk which nestles on a flywheel the press bearing of the executive cylinder. The conducted disk is connected with main shaft RKPP through shlitsevy connection. When squeezing a pedal of coupling brake fluid from the general tank via the main cylinder of coupling under pressure is transferred to the executive cylinder. The release bearing of the executive cylinder influences petals of a diaphragm spring. At the same time press the disk is taken away from conducted and power communication between the engine and RKPP is interrupted. Adjustment of the drive of coupling is not required. At each inclusion and switching off of coupling power influence is resulted by wear of frictional overlays of the conducted disk. The conducted disk represents the wearing-out detail, however average term of its service quite big and depends generally on load of the engine and style of driving.