BMW 7_aya the E38 series from 1994 to 2002
1. Introduction
2. Governing bodies and methods of operation
3. Settings and routine maintenance of the car
4. Engine
4.1. General information and preparatory operations
4.2. Check of compression pressure
4.3. Check of the engine by means of the vacuum gage
4.4. Petrol M60/1 and M60/2 engines
4.5. M62 engine
4.5.1. Removal and installation of covers of heads of cylinders
4.5.2. Removal and installation of heads of the block of cylinders
4.5.3. Removal and installation of the top section of the pallet of a case and oil pump
4.5.4. Removal and installation of the pallet of a case
4.5.5. Removal and installation of covers of a chain of GRM
4.5.6. Replacement of epiploons of a bent shaft and consolidations of distributors of ignition
4.5.7. Removal and installation of a flywheel
4.5.8. Removal and installation of a damper of tortional fluctuations
4.5.9. Removal and installation of driving belts
4.5.10. Removal and installation of the oil pump
4.5.11. Removal and installation of inlet pipelines
4.5.12. Removal and installation of final collectors
4.5.13. Removal and installation of the engine
4.6. Diesel M57 engine
4.7. Diesel M67 engine
5. Cooling systems of the engine, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
6. A power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
7. Systems of electric equipment of the engine
8. Manual box of gear shifting and coupling
9. Automatic transmission
10. Cardan and power shafts, reducer, differential and stupichny assemblies
11. Brake system
12. Suspension bracket and steering
13. Body
14. Onboard electric equipment
15. Schemes of electric equipment


4.5.13. Removal and installation of the engine


  1. Disconnect a negative wire from the rechargeable battery.
  2. Record a cowl in extreme top situation. For this purpose disconnect from it a damper, completely open a cowl and fix it by bolts at the left and on the right (see an illustration).
  3. Remove thermofilters on the left and right side of a beam of the forward bridge.
  4. Empty the cooling system (see the Head Nastroyki and routine maintenance of the car).
  5. Remove RKPP or AT (see the Head Nastroyki and routine maintenance of the car or the Engine).
  6. Remove an engine cooling system radiator (see the Head of the Cooling system of the engine, heating, ventilation and conditioning).
  7. Uncover air cleaners together with the MAF sensor (see the Head of the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases).
  8. Remove a full-line oil filter.
  9. Disconnect from the engine a cooling system hose (over the generator).
  1. Disconnect cooling system hoses from a heater radiator.
  1. Disconnect a hose from a back part of a collector of the cooling system of the engine.
  1. Remove assembly of the valvate block of a heater from the holder (see paragraphs 3 - 5 Sections Removal and installation of a damper of tortional fluctuations and its nave).
  2. Separate the engine electrical wiring plait socket.
  3. Disconnect a positive wire between a starter and the generator and remove a wire of the positive plug of the rechargeable battery in a motive compartment.
  4. Remove final collectors (see the Section Removal and installation of final collectors).
  5. Take off driving belts (see the Section Removal and installation of driving belts).
  6. Remove a branch pipe of an obduv of the generator.
  7. Remove the pump GUR (see the Head Podvesk and steering).
  8. Disconnect the K/V compressor from a basic arm and suspend on a wire aside, without disconnecting pipelines.
  9. Fix the device for its posting on lifting eyes of the engine.
  1. Disconnect a weight wire from the right support of the engine and turn out the top nuts of the left and right pillows of support of the engine.
  1. By means of the lifting device take the engine from a motive compartment.

Do not damage components in a motive compartment during raising of the engine.

  1. Installation is made in the sequence, the return to an order of dismantle of components. Be convinced of integrity of pillows of support and if necessary replace them.
  2. After installation before start of the engine check levels of working liquids and if necessary modify them.
  3. Start the engine and make sure of lack of leak of fuel and working liquids, and also of lack of abnormal noise and vibrations.
  4. Let's the engine work on single turns, then muffle it and again check levels of working liquids.

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4.5.12. Removal and installation of final collectors
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4.6. Diesel M57 engine