13.2. Equipment of salonRemoval and installation of window regulators Forward door
- Disconnect a negative wire from the rechargeable battery.
- Adjust the provision of glass of a forward door (see the Section Replacement and adjustment of mobile glasses of doors).
- On models with a side safety cushion remove it.
- Unhook and remove the internal handle of a door.
- Wring out a socket clamp down, move the lever down and separate the socket (1) electrical wiring of the loudspeaker. Turn out bolts and remove a box (2) dynamics.
- Separate the socket (1), turn out bolts (3) and remove the control unit (4). Cut collars of fastening of a plait of an electrical wiring and remove holders (2) electrical wirings (rivets with expansion plugs). Completely remove a sound-proof covering.
- Lift glass (1) up and record it in this situation with the help of a wooden wedge (2). Separate the window regulator drive electrical wiring socket, turn out bolts (only to weaken 3 lower bolts) and remove the hummock drive of a window regulator assembled.
- Installation is made upside-down. Pay attention to the next moments.
- Establish a window regulator in an angular arm and insert all bolts, without tightening them it is final. Tighten bolts (1 and 2).
- Insert glass into clips of a window regulator and adjust the provision of glass.
- Lower glass against the stop and tighten bolts (3 and 4).
- Lift glass against the stop and tighten bolts (5 and 6).
Back door